the other side of me . .

Friday, December 14

Lists of why and their answers based on myself.

Why I do not like to make the first move?
Because it will become a habit and we never really go figure out whose fault it was.

Why I always give in so easily?
 \Because I do not want any trouble.

Why I keep my mouth shut sometimes?
Because i do not want things to get worst and the more i talk the more trouble there will be.

Why you think i did not care?
Because u never did tell me what happen and even when i tried to force it out of you u just said nothing and never mind. I will not get angry even if it involved me and i will try to accept as much as possible.

Why do u think i never try hard enough?
Because u thought I was never good enough no matter what I do and you kept comparing me with others. I just wondered why compare me with other when i did not even compare u at all. I did not even bother to look at other girls when we were out as my focus was on you only.

Why do i feel disheartened sometimes?
 Because i am never the first one u turn to most of the time when something happen. I want to be the first and i do not mind trouble if its for you. I tried hard and only when i gave up then u tried to give in. Whats the point? Making things worst only right?

 Why do i feel you get angry too often.
Because you are constantly increasing your expectation. You get fussy about small little things. U get unhappy over small little stuffs. It takes 2 hands to clap. Try it once. Talk to me about it. Try it twice. Talk to me about it. Try it AGAIN. Talk yo me about it. If i still do not get it just adapt to it. Live with it. That is what i do.

Why u do not like coming my house or staying over?
Because u do not like hearing my parents nagging? U never did try to adapt and just ran away every time. If u are going to be with me for the rest of your life. You will have to face them eventually no matter u want it or not. For 4 years i said nothing. I can literally count the amount of times u stayed over at my house with only my 2 hands.

Why do i feel that you do not have much friends?
Because u kept too much to yourself. You want to lead and be at the front. You want attention. U want recognition. I know I KNOW. All these things do not come free. You have to earn it. Learn what is the problem. Build bonds not only for that little while but for a lifetime. Cherish your friends. MONEY IS NOT AN ISSUE. Anything that money can solve is not an issue. Things that money CANNOT solve is then an issue. U can have all the wealth in the world but u are dying. Everything will be gone anyway. If we are only going to get what we need and not what we want. There is no meaning in life. You are just influenced by your mum. DO you want to be like her? i doubt so. You have all the damn money but u lost all the respect and trust in the family.

Life is not easy. We are still young. We have not experienced the world enough yet. I will not say i have experienced enough to say all this shit. Whatever you do. Put yourself in their shoes. Good or bad, learn from it or avoid it. Do not think of the future when your present is in a mess. Live each day as your last. That is what i told you and i still mean it. 3 more months it shall be. For our next meetup if the same things happen. Even there is any SLIGHT anger or frustration on either of us. We will not need 3 months.